Api Keys


DialSense is a call center on Cloud. It has a lot of features for creating and maintaining business campaigns with AI Virtual agents and a easy to use UI. But in many business cases, creating campaigns, loading and dialing the leads has to be automated with software. Keeping such scenarios in mind, DialSense has some APIs designed to enable developers to make applications that integrates with DialSense.

Creating an API Key

  1. Only admins have access to create/modify/revoke API Keys. To create an API Key, login to DialSense with an admin account.
  2. Navigate to Settings -> API Keys and click Add. Add name and expiry date for the key and click Submit.
  3. Copy the created API Key and store it somewhere safe as it provides access to billable actions in your account.
  4. API Keys can be revoked and revoked API Keys will get automatically deleted after 30 days.

API Docs

API Docs are available here: api.dialsense.io.