Call History


Call history is the place in DialSense where all of the call logs and call recordings are stored. A logged-in user can get their organization’s logs based on their access privileges.

Call History types

Based on granularity, Call History is presented in two different formats:

  1. Basic: This is the DialSense intended way of showing call history. It shows all the important information like customer name, campaign (which links to the original campaign of that call), call disposition, phone number etc. Also, the detail page for each call entry shows the call recording in a built-in web player.
  2. Advanced: Advanced call history is intended for debugging and is only available to the system admins. This data is equivalent to Asterisk (Underlying software of DialSense) Call Detail Record Reports.

Download recordings

To download a single call recording:

  1. Click on the id of that call history record.
  2. Inside the detail page, click Download.
  3. A new page with a player will appear like below
    Download Player
  4. Click 3 dots, click download.

Call Disposition Codes

Call disposition codes are a one-word indicator of how a sales/support call ended and if it accomplished its business goal. The list of call disposition codes and their explanations are given below.

NEWNew Lead - Lead has not been called, or cannot be called
QUEUELead To Be Called - Lead is about to be sent to an agent
INCALLLead Being Called - Agent is talking to the lead
DROPAgent Not Available - Call was dropped while the customer was waiting for an agent
XDROPAgent Not Available IN - Call was dropped while the customer was waiting for an agent on an inbound call
NANo Answer AutoDial - Any outbound call that does not receive an Answer signal(or other signals) from the carrier. This can include ring-no-answer, disconnected, carrier congestion and other errors
CALLBKCall Back - Callback, both scheduled and non-scheduled
CBHOLD“Call Back Hold - Scheduled ANYONE callback that has not hit its trigger, or an AGENTONLY callback”
AAnswering Machine - Agent-defined Answering Machine
AAAnswering Machine Auto - Dialer-defined Answering Machine
AMAnswering Machine Sent to Mesg - AMD(Answering Machine Detection) call sent to a message to be played
ALAnswering Machine Msg Played - AMD(Answering Machine Detection) call sent to a message and message has been played
AMDXFRAnswering Machine Transfer to Call Menu or In-Group
AFAXFax Machine Auto - Dialer-defined Fax Machine
BBusy - Agent-defined Busy signal
ABBusy Auto - Carrier-received Busy signal
DCDisconnected Number - Agent-Defined Disconnected number
ADCDisconnected Number Auto - Carrier-received Disconnected number
ADCTCongested Number Auto - Carrier-received Congestion(19,21,34,38)
DECDeclined Sale - Agent-defined status
DNCDO NOT CALL - If defined, lead will also go in the VICIDIAL DNC list
DNCLDO NOT CALL Hopper Match - status of a lead that matches the phone number of a lead that has been placed in the VICIDIAL DNC list
DNCCDO NOT CALL Hopper Match Campaign- status of a lead that matches the phone number of a lead that has been placed in the VICIDIAL Campaign-specific DNC list for this Campaign
SALESale Made - Agent-defined status
NNo Answer - Agent-defined status
NINot Interested - Agent-defined status
NPNo Pitch No Price - Agent-defined status
PUCall Picked Up - Status that a call is changed to as soon as the carrier has sent the Answer signal and before the call is sent on to an agent
PMPlayed Message - outbound broadcast or SURVEY campaign status for when a message has been played to the customer
XFERCall Transferred - Call has been sent from an agent to a Closer agent
ERIAgent Error - An agent has closed their browser before dispositioning a lead
DONEMAgent placed a manual dial phone call and then closed their browser before dispositioning a lead
SVYEXTSurvey sent to Extension - Survey outbound campaign status only
SVYVMSurvey sent to Voicemail - Survey outbound campaign status only
SVYHUSurvey Hungup - Survey outbound campaign status only
SVYRECSurvey sent to Record - Survey outbound campaign status only
HXFERHold Recall Transfer to another in-group
HOLDTOHold time option call termination on inbound call
QVMAILQueue Abandon Voicemail Left
RQXFERRe-Queue Transfer back to agent
CPDATBSangoma Call Progress Detection CPD All-Trunks-Busy
CPDBSangoma Call Progress Detection CPD Busy
CPDNASangoma Call Progress Detection CPD No-Answer
CPDREJSangoma Call Progress Detection CPD Reject
CPDINVSangoma Call Progress Detection CPD Invalid-Number
CPDSUASangoma Call Progress Detection CPD Service-Unavailable
CPDSISangoma Call Progress Detection CPD Sit-Intercept
CPDSNCSangoma Call Progress Detection CPD Sit-No-Circuit
CPDSRSangoma Call Progress Detection CPD Sit-Reorder
CPDSUKSangoma Call Progress Detection CPD Sit-Unknown
CPDSVSangoma Call Progress Detection CPD Sit-Vacant
CPDUKSangoma Call Progress Detection CPD Unknown
CPDERRSangoma Call Progress Detection CPD Error
TIMEOTInbound call Drop Timeout, call waited until drop-seconds and was sent on to the drop action
AFTHRSInbound after hours drop, call received outside of in-group call time
NANQUEInbound no agent no queue drop, no agent logged in